Marjorie Giesler Prevost P. O. Box 484 Roswell, GA 30077-0484
Contact Me
Site Map Oil Paintings Watercolor Photography Pen/Ink/Pencil Commissions
Prints are available in the following sizes:
5x7 matted framed: $30 unframed: $15
8x10 matted framed: $50 unframed: $25
Note/Holiday Cards $15 for package of 10 With or without text on the inside... your choice.
Contact me if you'd like to purchase prints or cards.
I especially love her photography. The Eiffel Tower series is exquisite! Marisa N., Roswell, GA
Home Site Map Oil Paintings Watercolor Photography Pen/Ink/Pencil Commissions
Marjorie Prevost P. O. Box 484 Roswell, GA 30077-0484